Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tattoos and Dogs

Tattoos and DogsWhen one even hears the words tattooing pets or tattooing your dog they automatically think animal cruelty. Why at first it may seem like something cruel to do to your beloved pet, it can also save their life and help reunite them to you. Tattooing pets has been around for quite sometime and to be perfectly honest it is not considered cruel at all. The whole purpose of tattooing dogs in particular is so they have a permanent id tag on them at all times.

It is common knowledge that collars with id tags can fall off or even be taken off so a tattoo is a more permanent solution to this problem. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages to having your dog tattooed. For starters people can alter your dogs tattoo if they find them and want to keep them. Also if you tattoo your dog on the lips or ears, sadly these tattoos can be cut away if someone wants to get rid of it. The best place to tattoo your dog would be on their stomach where their hair does not grow. The biggest advantage of tattooing your dog would be that the mark is permanent and that their is a database that keeps all information about your pet and you, so if someone finds your pet all they have to do is call one of the two tattooing databases that holds the information for dogs with tattoos.

The tattooing method for the time being seems to be the best methodfor helping you relocate your dog if they should get lost because not all places are equipped microchip scanning machine. If you are concerned about loosing your beloved dog maybe tattooing is for you.